Friday, June 26, 2009

Isabel - The Early Weeks

Greg the Multitasker. Isabel's crying doesn't stop us from enjoying a dessert! Greg just throws her over his shoulder and she stops crying. ps the crying you here in the background is NOT Isabel, it is the twins that are 6 weeks older than her. Their parents have not come up with names yet and just referred to them as Meatloaf and Lemon. Those names cracked us up!

Isabel - Hates her bath and hates her clothes being changed even more! She does not enjoy being a cold naked baby. She might of been born in a cold place but Isabel must be a Texas girl at heart and loves being warm, just like her Mommy.

Isabel - Being 'Rocked' To Sleep - You wouldn't know that a few minutes ago she was screaming her head off. I guess music does tame the savage beast.