Thursday, July 23, 2009


When I did my quick post of Isabel The Movie (Angry Baby, Hungry Baby, Car Ride Baby); Greg said they all had something in common, that Isabel was always crying. True, but they do sound like different types of cries :-)

My Mom asked if Isabel did more than just cry. Hey Mom! hmmm...guess not.

No, really Isabel is great and is starting to coo and gurgle now and every so often I will see a cute little smile, which makes all these sleepless nights a little bit better. It gives you warm fuzzies and your heart melts when they start making eye contact with you and oh to see a little smile is so wonderful.

I just woke Isabel up and she was making cute little gurgles and not crying! So I thought I would try to get it on camera. Unfortunately hunger got the best of her and I missed the opportunity but I still think the little cry is really cute.

I take it from this last video she was a little fed up with all the filming and wanted to get down to the business of eating.

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