Saturday, August 29, 2009

Workin' Up A Fit

Uh Oh, someone isn't happy!

Oh No, here comes what Daddy calls 'The Miserable Face'.
See that lower lip all sticking out so miserably.

If we don't act soon after The Miserable Face comes, then it goes from this face to crying in a nanosecond. Greg says she gets this from me as I can go from sweetheart to a witch in a nanosecond. Greg calls this 'Instant Rage'.
Now all Instant Rage is, is a look I give Greg that let's him know that he has crossed the line and I am upset.

Instant Rage Caught On Tape!

Don't feel too sorry for Greg as this look can be diffused rather quickly when Greg calls me on it and says "Oh no, here comes Instant Rage."

So here is Isabel's Instant Rage.

Hehehe, well I am glad she got something from me as everyone quickly tells me that she looks like the spiting image of Greg.

Sometimes she will stop and give us another miserable looking face to see if we care and are we paying attention.

Don't worry she doesn't cry too long without one of us feeling sorry for her and picking up this pitiful little girl. After all, who wants to be stuck in a pram looking at boring material!

Disclaimer: No babies were hurt during the making of this film.

We Miss The Daddy!

The Daddy is traveling this week and I know he is missing his special little girl, so I thought I would do a little post for him.

Here Daddy is greeting her after a hard day's night....notice the Texas cuff links. Yeah.... Daddy loves Texas too.

The Daddy hasn't broken out the guitar since he and I dated. He lured me in with his musical talents but this guitar hasn't seen light of day since he lived as a bachelor above State & Thomas Restaurant in Uptown. ahhh the good ol' days in Dallas Texas. They sure were great fun days living in Uptown, but we didn't have our little stinker then!

Daddy loves to calm this noisy one with his love of music and mommy can cook dinner and relax because Daddy is here and is making Isabel happy!

Above is a video clip of Isabel and Daddy.

Well Daddy you have some great big smiles waiting for you when we meet you in Stuttgart, Germany. Yea, our first family vacation. Thank you Daddy!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Isn't She Lovely

Here are some more for the Grandparents.

So far she isn't much of a cuddler as she will fuss when we kiss her. This doesn't stop me from covering her with kisses though. It doesn't deter Greg either, as he is kissing her and she fusses some. I love her little face around 14 seconds into the video. All of a sudden her eyes get big and her mouth is round and makes me laugh.

Here she is hanging out in her bed waiting for mommy to come and get her. She was just too cute and I had to get it on camera.

Isabel was having a great time on her play mat, just talking and talking to herself.

Isabel has had a little bit of a hard week and here her daddy is calming her down with some music and his singing.

This morning

Isabel's Song
Greg made up the first couple of lines to this song and I just added to it. I usually get a big smile when I sing this song but unfortunately did not get one when I tried to capture it on video.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Look Who's Talking

Ok, well it might not be words yet but it is a change from only cries that all newborns seem to communicate with for the first few weeks.

I still catch a smile or two each day and now the cooing has started and I think it is just too cute!

My sweet friends back home in Texas, went together and bought me the swing you see in these clips. I was having a difficult time with being able to take a shower, make a little lunch or even go to the bathroom without Isabel crying. My friend Tamera said "girl, get a swing. It saved me!" Well, she was right! This wonderful device will soothe Isabel while I grab a bite to eat or take a quick shower, it is wonderful and I love being able to use the bathroom in peace and not have to worry about a screaming baby. So thank you Tamera, Amber, Staci, Jennifer, Summer,
Sandi, Doris and Kristi!
See all smiles

Small smiles

Big Smiles

The Vovo Hold

Isabel and I were having a bit of a hard time for about 5 weeks, up to the time before Greg's parents came.

She would cry and cry from 6 pm to 9 pm or later, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong!
Mom said it seemed like Isabel was crying in pain and she probably was, as she would nurse forever and wasn't being burped correctly.
I tried and tried to give Isabel a pacifier (dummy) so my breasts would have a little bit of a break, but she wouldn't hear of it and would promptly spit the pacifier out as soon as I put it in her mouth.
I had 4 or 5 of them and each one was quickly rejected, followed by a cry for more boob!

It seemed like she wanted to constantly nurse from 6 until bedtime (10 to 12 at night) and we both were wearing out. Especially Isabel who's poor little tummy was so full of milk and air because I wasn't burping her correctly (nothing was coming out).

Well, right around the time I finally got Isabel to take a pacifier (hooray), grandmother Vovo came into the scene and helped Isabel work out some of that gas she was building up from her late night feeding frenzy. Poor Isabel!

Vovo would then ease Isabel down for the night by putting her in the Vovo Hold and they would stay like this for hours.

It was wonderful!

I could actually do something at night besides constantly breastfeed and Isabel wouldn't scream in pain because she was burped correctly and was calmed down by the magical powers of the Vovo Hold.

Vovo loved working her magical powers and would stop making dinner to calm down a restless baby.

Almost, Grandfather Papaya but you don't have down the correct Vovo Hold technique.

You have to put Isabel on her stomach and hold tight. It also helps if you have the sweet scent of the Vovo as well.

See the calm baby below, Thank you Vovo!

Thank you Papaya too!

Mommy, working the Vovo Hold!

The Vovo Hold saved Isabel's little tummy and the visit from Vovo and Papaya saved me as well!

We all had a wonderful time and when they left I felt more like a mommy than one crazed big breast!