Oh No, here comes what Daddy calls 'The Miserable Face'.
See that lower lip all sticking out so miserably.

If we don't act soon after The Miserable Face comes, then it goes from this face to crying in a nanosecond. Greg says she gets this from me as I can go from sweetheart to a witch in a nanosecond. Greg calls this 'Instant Rage'.
Now all Instant Rage is, is a look I give Greg that let's him know that he has crossed the line and I am upset.
Instant Rage Caught On Tape!

Don't feel too sorry for Greg as this look can be diffused rather quickly when Greg calls me on it and says "Oh no, here comes Instant Rage."
So here is Isabel's Instant Rage.

Hehehe, well I am glad she got something from me as everyone quickly tells me that she looks like the spiting image of Greg.
Sometimes she will stop and give us another miserable looking face to see if we care and are we paying attention.

Don't worry she doesn't cry too long without one of us feeling sorry for her and picking up this pitiful little girl. After all, who wants to be stuck in a pram looking at boring material!
Disclaimer: No babies were hurt during the making of this film.