Isabel and I were having a bit of a hard time for about 5 weeks, up to the time before Greg's parents came.
She would cry and cry from 6 pm to 9 pm or later, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong!

Mom said it seemed like Isabel was crying in pain and she probably was, as she would nurse forever and wasn't being burped correctly.
I tried and tried to give Isabel a pacifier (dummy) so my breasts would have a little bit of a break, but she wouldn't hear of it and would promptly spit the pacifier out as soon as I put it in her mouth.
I had 4 or 5 of them and each one was quickly rejected, followed by a cry for more boob!
It seemed like she wanted to constantly nurse from 6 until bedtime (10 to 12 at night) and we both were wearing out. Especially Isabel who's poor little tummy was so full of milk and air because I wasn't burping her correctly (nothing was coming out).
Well, right around the time I finally got Isabel to take a pacifier (hooray), grandmother Vovo came into the scene and helped Isabel work out some of that gas she was building up from her late night feeding frenzy. Poor Isabel!

Vovo would then ease Isabel down for the night by putting her in the Vovo Hold and they would stay like this for hours.

It was wonderful!
I could actually do something at night besides constantly breastfeed and Isabel wouldn't scream in pain because she was burped correctly and was calmed down by the magical powers of the Vovo Hold.
Vovo loved working her magical powers and would stop making dinner to calm down a restless baby.

Almost, Grandfather Papaya but you don't have down the correct Vovo Hold technique.

You have to put Isabel on her stomach and hold tight. It also helps if you have the sweet scent of the Vovo as well.

See the calm baby below, Thank you Vovo!

Thank you Papaya too!

Mommy, working the Vovo Hold!

The Vovo Hold saved Isabel's little tummy and the visit from Vovo and Papaya saved me as well!
We all had a wonderful time and when they left I felt more like a mommy than one crazed big breast!

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