down in my heart.
If you have ever been to vacation bible school then this song is stuck in your head!
I loved this song as a kid because there is a part in the song when you can yell and jump up! Is that not every kid's dream come true?? To be able to yell and jump and not only do your parent not frown at you for doing so, but they smile and clap because you are singing about Jesus.
Well, the part where you jump up is really about the devil sitting on a tack, "ouch!"
I put Isabel on my knee, bounce her up and down and sing this song to her.

I love how her mouth gets big and wide, her smile is huge! It cracks me up and puts a big smile on my face too.

It looks like Isabel loves this song and I can't wait for her to sing along with me, yell and jump up as I look on with a big smile and clap because she is singing about Jesus.

For those of you that don't know the song I will get Greg to get a video of me singing this song to Isabel and post it so you can sing along and jump up and down too.
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
- Down in my heart (Where?)
Down in my heart (Where?)- Down in my heart
- I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
- Down in my heart (Where?)
- Down in my heart to stay
- And I'm so happy
- So very happy
- I've got the love of Jesus in my heart (down in my heart)
- And I'm so happy
- So very happy
- I've got the love of Jesus in my heart
Sit on a tack.
Sit on a tack.
And if the Devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack
Sit on a tack today.
Subsequent lyrics include:
- I've got the wonderful love of my Blessed Redeemer way down in the depths of my heart...
- I've got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart...