I don't want to become obnoxious or brag but I think Isabel is a real cutie pie.
Sometimes Isabel is so cute I just want to eat her up! Kind of like she is doing to her little stuffed animal friend here below.

She has such squishy little body parts and they are just too darn cute not to pass up with tons of kisses. I am always eying those little tootsies and try to have at least 1 toe sandwich a day.
She also has juicy thighs, which have actually gotten bigger and juicer since this video was taken several weeks ago. This little chunky thigh definitely calls for some nibbling.
In this video I think she is a little tired of me telling her that her thigh is chunky and she is telling me 'whatever' with her facial expressions :-)
Isabel is so cute and edible and she even likes to munch on herself.
Here she is enjoying a nibble on her own arm
In the below video, Isabel is enjoying munching on her hands.
And below she is enjoying something....not sure what ...maybe her hands again??
Whatever it is, it has her worked up into a gurgling frenzy in the beginning.
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