What is a Jumperoo, you ask?
Well, I didn't know either as we live in Finland and they don't have such things here, but my aunt Polly told me about it and how all kids love them.
A Jumperoo is a weird looking contraption,
a kind of bouncer, that you can put anywhere (no door frame needed) and it plays music and makes all kinds of noise when children jump up and down in it. It is suppose to teach them cause and effect and gives moms a break from entertaining a baby all day long.
I thought I would give it a try, as it was easy to put together and free since my cousin Caleb loaned it to me.
At first Isabel didn't know what to do with it, but it wasn't long and she started to move her feet some in a River Dance kind of fashion....which cracked us all up!
By the end of our stay she had it figured out a little better and would get pretty excited when jumping up and down in the jumperoo. She would jump and jump all day long. Well, all day as long as someone was watching her and clapping her on.
She loved it so much I was hoping to come home and hopefully find it in Finland or at least a place that would mail it to you. BUT BAH! you cannot find a jumperoo her... they have never heard of a jumperoo and you cannot get one mailed here either as I have looked and asked around :-(
oh well, she got to enjoy it when she was home in America. Got to love America and all the baby contraptions they have.
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