Thursday, August 6, 2009

Look Who's Talking

Ok, well it might not be words yet but it is a change from only cries that all newborns seem to communicate with for the first few weeks.

I still catch a smile or two each day and now the cooing has started and I think it is just too cute!

My sweet friends back home in Texas, went together and bought me the swing you see in these clips. I was having a difficult time with being able to take a shower, make a little lunch or even go to the bathroom without Isabel crying. My friend Tamera said "girl, get a swing. It saved me!" Well, she was right! This wonderful device will soothe Isabel while I grab a bite to eat or take a quick shower, it is wonderful and I love being able to use the bathroom in peace and not have to worry about a screaming baby. So thank you Tamera, Amber, Staci, Jennifer, Summer,
Sandi, Doris and Kristi!
See all smiles

Small smiles

Big Smiles

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