Did I tell you lately that my cousin Leslie is the best!?
Well, if I didn't, she is!

Love this little country outfit on Isabel!
Leslie helped find a place that sells cowboy boots for babies!
Now Isabel looks like a gal from Texas with her hat and boots.
Leslie also got her a beautiful James Avery charm bracelet with a cowboy hat charm. So adorable!
Thank you Leslie!!!
Leslie, threw me another one of her famous New Year's Eve parties and it was fabulous!
My cousin can cook! She showered us in some wonderful tidbits and once again she out did herself!
BBQ Pork Tenderloin with Parker House rolls,
Fingerling Stuffed Potatoes,
Prosciutto, Basil, and Goat Cheese Stuffed Dates,
Artichoke-Spinach Dip,
.....and tons more!

We had to bring little Isabel to the party, as there was no one that could keep her that night, but Leslie and her sweet hubby, James, didn't seem to mind.

We had Isabel decked out in her country and western hat and country dress, all complete with pearl-snap buttons

"Oh, Cadilac black jack, baby meet me outback, we're gonna boogie"
"Oh get down, turn around go to town boot scootin' boogie"
Speaking of boogie, Isabel was full of beans and Greg caught our little bundle of energy on video below.
Isabel is on the blue jean quilt my grandmother, Memo, made. She made one for all of her grandchildren and Leslie is being kind and letting Isabel roll around and slobber on hers.
My friend Jan and her finance, Mark, came as well.
Jan made her famous queso that has everything in it but the kitchen sink.
It was very decadent and it was very yummy.

Also, my cousin, Damon, showed up but we forgot to inform him that we had the little one with us and wouldn't be staying up to bring in the New Year.
Poor Damon! But he didn't seem to mind and waved good-bye to us as he poured himself a 17th cup of coffee. Damon says he is wired differently (no pun intended) and coffee actually calms him down.

Around 11:00 pm, Greg, Isabel and I headed to our hotel that was near and brought in the New Year together there.

A little boring, I know, but safer than being out on the streets after midnight!
Isabel surprised us by not only bringing in the New Year with us but also standing on her own! It was a real treat and we were lucky enough to catch on Greg's phone!
The next day we headed back to Leslie's place, so the men could play golf and the women could do some shopping!

Where ever I wanted to go, Leslie would take me.
First stop at the local Starbucks for a Gingerbread Latte and Leslie introduced me to some Tazo Green Tea Nonfat Soymilk Latte ,it was very yummy!
The next stop was the mall, and not the TownEast Mall that was close, no Leslie took me to Northpark mall.
I think we went into every store there.
It was also a lot of fun to show off Isabel because complete strangers would come by to say how pretty they though Isabel was. Of course I was showing off Isabel, as I had her dressed in her tutu that Tamera got her.
I was pretty restrained as I only stocked up on makeup that you can only get in Dallas and only at high end places like Nordstrom or Neimens. Not sure what to do as I love my Trish McEvoy!
After some damage to the credit card we headed back to Leslie's and enjoyed some take-out Tex-Mex. yummmm I can taste it now! Yummy chicken enchiladas, queso, guacamole and corn tortillas. I NEED TO BE BACK THERE AND NOW! SO HUNGRY
James had fun with Isabel and helped keep her entertained as mommy chowed down.
Thanks James!

Thank you Leslie for helping me bring a little Texas to Isabel.
I wish I was back there now running around with you drinking Tazo Green Tea Nonfat Soymilk Lattes (whew, what a mouth full), shopping for makeup and eating your delicious meals!
Of course a stop at Houston's for their Evil Jungle Noodle Thai Salad wouldn't hurt either.
I love you!!

and miss you!!
Wow-- sort of worn out after reading it!! You stayed so busy!! Loved ALL the pictures. She is just a darling and your sweet cousin spoiled her good!!
I love these pictures. You have a wonderful family!
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