This Christmas it definitely was the most wonderful time, it was so magical!
It really was!!!
Not only was I going home to Texas after 2 years with my husband Greg but I was also in tow with Isabel!
I was also able to take advantage of my maternity leave and stayed a little over 5 weeks. How awesome was that! I am so glad it was 5 weeks long as I got sick for over 2 weeks, stupid Mountain Cedar! I won't complain too much about being sick because the rest of the time was so truly awesome.
My Mom's house is not the biggest house and so I was a little worried about all of us being cramped up in the living room. But when I got there my mom had a little surprise for me, that she had built on a beautiful game room!
This really opened up the house and drew in all the men as it has a huge flat-screen TV, regulation pool table and bar.
The house was decked out in every way, inside and out! Lights all over the house, 4 light Christmas trees outside, and inside the house looked like Santa had a party in there (as my brother put it).
Isabel was a little bit afraid of Randy and Byron, both with their facial hair but she quickly warmed up to everyone.
Isabel didn't want for anything as my mom and Randy had gotten a safety seat for the car, high-chair,

bath tub,
2 baby beds,

3 baby swings,

a jumperoo,

a walker

Diapers, wipes, baby food and more were also waiting for us and all of this added to the excitement.
Greg and I didn't have to worry about anything other than stepping off the plane and that was GREAT!
Thank you Mom! Thank you Randy.
My brother Byron

was staying at my Mom's place too and so he could keep Greg company and challenge him to many games of pool.
With this many people at my mom's place I was never in want of a babysitter, once Isabel felt comfortable letting someone else besides Mommy hold her!

I was really looking forward to some sun and warmth as last time I went home in December it was in the 60's and 70's the whole 2 weeks.
Unfortunately the cold and snow seemed to follow me from Finland!! December 23rd it was 70 degrees outside and sunny, yet it snowed on Christmas a couple of days later. I couldn't believe we had a white Christmas. Everyone wants one (well except me) and we got one! I didn't really mind as this is Texas and as they say "If you don't like the weather in Texas just wait 5'll change!"
White Christmas

My Mom and Randy decided to have lap band surgery and were on a liquid diet, gasp! After a lot of pouting my mom decided to go ahead and do a big Christmas dinner.
Turkey, Cornbread Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Honeyed Sweet Potatoes, green beans, Pea Salad, Fruit Salad, Pecan Pie, Pumpkin Pie. YUM YUM YUM!!!!
After stuffing ourselves we decided to open gifts and we had a blast.
My brother Byron was really thoughtful and got us several wonderful gifts.
He got Greg and I a digital photo frame that plays videos too! I was wanting one but Greg said to hold off for awhile....but thanks to my brother I don't have to wait! :-p

Bryon also got an electric thermometer that gives a baby's temperature in a matter of seconds. He also got her some cute little bibs and a pink warm winter jacket.
Along with a pop up book, it is so cute and is one of my favorites Horton Hears a Who. ahhh thanks Bryon, you rocked Christmas this year!

Greg is also a thoughtful present giver and usually gives awesome gifts!
He didn't let my brother down, as Byron wanted some slippers to wear around the house and Greg got him some pretty cool slippers!
Don't you think so?!
Everyone that saw them loved them, including Bryon.

My present, Sock Monkey In The Box was great. My Dad loves to tell the story of how I was so afraid of my first Jack In The Box and laughs and laughs when he thinks back to me as a child.

Greg surprised me with some accessories for my camera. A bounce flash, a zoom lense and a camera stand with a remote control! Here I am putting the remote to test as I took these pictures myself! Pretty Cool!
Of course, Isabel made out like a bandit with tons of toys

and we even Texasified her up with a hat and matching boots!
BUT Isabel's favorite present was.....PAPER! She couldn't get enough of it and loved loved playing with it more than her toys!
Of course we had our cute little Santa all dressed up and everyone wanted their picture taken with Santa.

It really was a magical and wonderful day!
Lucky us, we got to have another shot with my dad over at Memo's and again at Mom's place.

All the fun and excitement tired out this little gal
but she sure did enjoy being home in Texas just like me!!
1 comment:
This recap is GREAT. Adorable pictures!
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