Hei little Bro!
I sure do miss you!!!
I am sure Isabel misses you too!
Isabel loves Byron!!!!

and I think Isabel was a hit with Byron too
After all, how many gals have music composed for them???
hehhee...Byron made fun of the songs I made up for Isabel, "The Isabel Song"
"Isabel has 2 eyes, 1 eye....2 eyes. Isabel has 2 feet, 1 foot....2 feet"
and thought it was fun to come up with the notes on the guitar.
It might be a silly song but Isabel really lights up when she hears her name and that song!
My brother might not change a diaper and runs away as soon as he know one is about to be changed...but he loved feeding Isabel!
Also when the weather got COLD!
Side note to Texas "um, hello Texas weather what are you doing getting down in the 20's and becoming a White Christmas just because we decided to come from Finland?!" end of side note
Anyway, Byron couldn't stand the thought of Isabel being cold and so he got her a warm and cozy outfit for Christmas when he found out I didn't bring one with me. Thanks little Bro!
Byron also got her some wonderful bibs!
Ones that say "I'm all that", "Girls are just better" and "Don't make me call Grandma"

not only do they have cute sayings on them, they really work and work well!
They say it takes a village to help raise a child and I don't think they are too off with that statement as it was great rest for mom because when I got tired there were 3 other people around to help.
Byron seemed to enjoy the bedtime routine and helped out with the bed time ritual of reading to Isabel right before she went to sleep. I am not sure who is having more fun but it looks like it might be Byron :-)

I love you little Bro and I know I am not the only one missing you!

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